Bolivia: Parliament’s committee seeks to prosecute Jeanine Añez

Bolivia: Parliament’s committee seeks to prosecute Jeanine Añez
The coup-born regime leader Jeanine Añez, Bolivia. 2020.

LA PAZ, Oct 28 (NNN-TELESUR) — A special committee of the Bolivian Parliament recommended starting trials against the leader of the coup-born regime Jeanine Añez and some ministers for the massacres of Sacaba and Senkata that took place in 2019.

The final report of this committee was referred to the National Congress, where it must be approved by two-thirds of its members for it to enter into force.

If approved, the self-proclaimed president Añez will have to answer to justice for signing the Supreme Decree 4078, which authorized the Armed Forces to carry out operations to restore “public order” and exempted the military from any criminal responsibility.

After the coup d’état against Evo Morales in November 2019, the military forces executed the massacres of Senkata and Sacaba, where 37 people were killed, 27 of whom died from bullet impacts.

The Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) lawmaker Victor Borda pointed out that Añez will have to face a trial of responsibility for the crimes of genocide, murder, attempted murder, serious injuries, injuries followed by death, and criminal association.

Lawmakers also seek to prosecute Foreign Affairs Minister Karen Longaric, Defense Minister Luis Fernando, Interior Minister Arturo Murillo, Justice Minister Alvaro Coimbra, and former Commanders Yuri Calderon and Williams Kaliman for the same criminal offenses.

Although investigations are being carried out based on information provided by civilians who were present at the moment of the massacres, the families of the victims are still waiting for the authorities to clarify those events. — NNN-TELESUR


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