Australian PM Welcomes Continued Reduction In COVID-19 Cases In Hardest-Hit State

Australian PM Welcomes Continued Reduction In COVID-19 Cases In Hardest-Hit State

CANBERRA, Oct 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, welcomed the easing of strict restrictions, in the hardest-hit state by the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, announced that, from today, the 5-km travel radius imposed on Melburnians will be extended to 25 km, the two-hour time limit for exercising will be scrapped, and groups of 10 people will be allowed to gather outdoors.

Responding to the announcement, Morrison, Minister for Health, Greg Hunt and Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg said, they “welcome the continued and sustained reduction in COVID-19 cases in Victoria.”

“It has been a very challenging time for Victorians,” they said.

“We understand the ability to now travel up to 25 km, spend more time outdoors, go to the hairdresser and greater freedom to undertake a range of outdoor activities will be important to the economic and social wellbeing of the community.

“As we said at the time, it was regrettable such tough restrictions had to be implemented. It has been to the credit of Victorians that they have managed to adhere to these rules and we commend them for their commitment.”

“Victoria’s three-day rolling average is now below two cases per day. Maintaining this result will make a strong case for the retail and hospitality sectors to reopen before the next review date in Nov. This should remain under active consideration,” the statement said.

“Every day Victoria remains under restrictions to get the second wave in Victoria under control, comes at a heavy cost.”– NNN-AGENCIES


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