Covid-19: US agency wants 2 months safety data before approving vaccine

Covid-19: US agency wants 2 months safety data before approving vaccine

WASHINGTON, Oct 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The US Food and Drug Administration made public its guidance for issuing emergency approval for a Covid-19 vaccine, making it clear it wants to see follow-up two months after trial volunteers have their second dose.

It is therefore unlikely for Donald Trump’s administration to have a vaccine on the market before the Nov 3 election, something the president frequently says is on the cards.

“Data from Phase 3 studies should include a median follow-up duration of at least two months after completion of the full vaccination regimen to help provide adequate information to assess a vaccine’s benefit-risk profile,” the document said.

The two companies that are furthest along in their vaccine trials, Moderna and Pfizer, both began their final stages at the end of July, and both require two separate injections 28 days apart.

That would mean that only the first few people who signed up for the trial would have completed the follow-up period by the end of October, and there would probably not be enough data to apply for emergency use.

The vaccines will have to inoculate half of all patients against Covid-19 and the FDA will need to say at least five cases of people severely ill in the placebo group.

“FDA is committed to making the #COVID19 vaccine development process & our scientific evaluation as open & transparent as possible,” the agency’s head Stephen Hahn wrote on Twitter.

The decision to issue the guidance comes amid a reported tug-of-war between the White House and the FDA.

According to US media outlets, the White House viewed the two month follow-up period unnecessary and did not want the FDA to implement it.

The news was welcomed by health experts who said it showed the agency was acting responsibly in the face of political pressure. — NNN-AGENCIES


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