Peru: Law enforcement agents carry out operation against illegal mining

LIMA, Feb 20 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peruvian National Police’s (PNP) and Armed Forces’ patrols launched the 2019 Mercury Operation aimed at fighting illegal mining in Madre de Dios region’s La Pampa area.

PNP General Luis Vera explained this action will be carried out in two stages. 

According to the official, the first one will last 14 days and will take place in the buffer area of Tambopata National Reserve. 

It will include efforts against illegal mining and related offenses such as drug-trafficking, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, child labor exploitation, and tax evasion, among others. 

The rescued victims of sexual and labor exploitation will be assisted by the Women and Vulnerable Populations Ministry (MIMP) to guarantee specialized care. 

The second stage —called consolidation— will last six months and enable the PNP to install itself in the area to control the activities there.

Within this framework, 1,272 PNP agents, criminology and explosive unit experts, 300 Armed Forces members, and 70 Public Ministry representatives will participate in the operation. 

It should be noted illegal mining in Madre de Dios has caused the deforestation of 11,000 ha in Tambopata National Reserve. 

Ministers Carlos Moran (Interior) and Jose Huerta (Defense) will take part in these actions as well. — NNN-ANDINA


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