Peru Corruption: Information from Brazil key to prosecute corrupt people on case Odebrecht case – prosecutor

LIMA, Feb 15 (NNN-ANDINA) — Prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez said information the Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group aims to collect in Brazil —while interrogating Odebrecht’s former employees— will be essential and key to punish those who committed corruption in Peru.

He asked citizens to be confident that the special team’s work is carried out within the law and is intended to gather more evidence in order to prosecute corruption offenders. 

Therefore, he described as speculation the claim that the collaboration agreement with Odebrecht benefits the Brazilian company and harms the Inca country’s interests. 

Perez will head to Brazil joined by Lava Jato Team Coordinator Rafael Vela, as well as other prosecutors and case’s Ad Hoc State Attorney Jorge Ramirez. 

Those scheduled to testify on Thursday are Odebrecht’s former Secretary Maria Lucia Guimaraes Tavares and Structured Operations Division ex-Coordinator Hilberto Mascarenhas Alves da Silva. 

It should be noted the Structured Operations Division was the company’s bribery department.

They will testify about the North Interoceanic Highway and the Lima Metro —built during ex-President Alan Garcia’s second term in office— and the Costa Verde–Callao Stretch concession. 

As is known, the Brazilian construction giant admitted to having paid millions in bribes to government officials in Peru, in order to secure public-works contracts.

As a result, Odebrecht benefited from over US$143 million between 2005 and 2014 in Peru, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

In addition, four ex-Presidents have been linked to the Brazilian company such as: Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), Alan Garcia (2006-2011), Ollanta Humala(2011-2016), and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018).

Former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori —currently under preventive detention— also allegedly received money from Odebrecht for her 2011 election campaign. — NNN-ANDINA


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