US to submit UN resolution on Iran arms next week

US to submit UN resolution on Iran arms next week

WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States will submit a UN Security Council resolution next week to extend an arms embargo on Iran despite opposition from Russia and China, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.

A ban on conventional weapons sales to Iran ends on Oct 18 and the United States has threatened to try to force a return of UN sanctions if it is not continued.

Pompeo said the United States would submit the long-awaited resolution next week and said he was alarmed at indications that China was already preparing arms sales to Iran.

“There are nations lining up for weapons that will destabilize the Middle East, put Israel at risk, put Europe a risk, risk American lives as well,” Pompeo told reporters.

“We’re not going to let it happen. And so we’re using every diplomatic tool we have in the tool-kit,” he said.

Russia and China enjoy veto power on the Security Council and want the embargo to expire as laid out under a 2015 resolution.

That resolution had blessed a denuclearization deal with Iran negotiated by former US president Barack Obama from which Trump pulled out, denouncing it as a blunder.

But Pompeo has offered the contested argument that the United States remains a “participant” in the accord as it was listed in the 2015 resolution — and therefore can force a return to sanctions if it sees Iran as in violation of its terms.

Pompeo pointed to Iranian support to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who are under assault from US ally Saudi Arabia, as an example of an arms violation.

Even European allies of the United States have been skeptical on whether Washington can force sanctions and warn that the attempt may delegitimize the Security Council. — NNN-AGENCIES


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