U.S. Undermining South China Sea’s Stability: Chinese Foreign Ministry

U.S. Undermining South China Sea’s Stability: Chinese Foreign Ministry

BEIJING, July 15 (NNN-XINHUA) – The United States was undermining peace and stability in the South China Sea and intended to drive a wedge between regional countries, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said that, many Chinese maritime claims over the South China Sea were illegitimate, and the United States urged relevant countries to oppose China’s maritime claims. Pompeo added that the so-called award of the South China Sea arbitration was legally binding to both China and the Philippines.

In response, spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, told a news briefing that, the U.S. statement disregarded the history and facts on the South China Sea issue, and violated its commitment of holding a neutral position, on relevant territorial sovereignty disputes. It also violated and distorted international law, deliberately provoked territorial maritime disputes, and undermined regional stability and peace, he added.

The U.S. statement said, the dotted line in the South China Sea was announced by China in 2009, which is completely untrue, Zhao said, adding that, China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea were established throughout history.

He said, China exercised effective jurisdiction over relevant islands, reefs, and waters in the South China Sea for thousands of years, and as early as 1948, the Chinese government announced the dotted line in the South China Sea. This was under no doubt from any country for a long time, he said, adding that, China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea have sufficient historical and legal basis, which is consistent with relevant international laws and practices.

China doesn’t strive to build an “empire” in the South China Sea, always treats countries surrounding the South China Sea as equal, and always maintains the utmost restraint in safeguarding the sovereignty, rights, and interests of the South China Sea, Zhao said.

“On the contrary, the United States refused to join the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), frequently pulls out of international treaties and organisations, abides by international rules that suit its purpose, and discards those that it finds obstructive. It frequently promotes militarisation of the South China Sea, by dispatching large-scale, advanced warships and aircraft. The United States is the destructor and troublemaker of peace and stability in the region. The international community sees this very clearly,” Zhao said.

As for the arbitration case and the award, Zhao said, China’s position is consistent, clear, and firm. The arbitral tribunal expanded its power to exercise jurisdiction, and made obvious mistakes in the determination of facts and the application of laws, which was questioned by many countries.

The U.S. hyped up the South China Sea arbitration for their own political agenda, which was abusing the international law of the sea, and China would never accept it, he said.

According to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), reached by China and ASEAN in 2002, China is always committed to resolving disputes on territory and jurisdiction through negotiations and consultations with related sovereign states, maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea with ASEAN, Zhao said.

“With joint efforts of the relevant countries, the situation in the South China Sea remains sound and stable at the moment,” Zhao said, adding, China and ASEAN, not only abide by the DOC, but are also speeding up negotiations on a more binding code of conduct (COC), to safeguard peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.

Now the consultations have made positive progress, and relationships between China and the ASEAN countries have further consolidated and developed, during their cooperation against COVID-19, Zhao said.

However, the United States, as a non-regional country, repeatedly stirred up trouble, regarding the South China Sea for its own selfish agenda, played off the relationships of regional countries against China, and ruined the joint efforts made by these countries, he said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. statement deliberately misinterpreted the Chinese representative’s statement at the ASEAN Regional Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in 2010. Zhao said, the fact was that China’s representative said, China has always advocated that all countries are equal, and relevant disputes should be settled peacefully by the direct parties concerned through negotiations and consultations.

“China expressed its strong indignation and firm opposition to the U.S. wrongdoing,” he said, urging the United States to immediately stop making trouble in this regard, and not to go further down the wrong path.

Zhao stressed that China will continue to determinedly safeguard its national sovereignty and security, friendly and cooperative relations with regional countries, and the South China Sea’s peace and stability.– NNN-XINHUA


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