Covid-19: US welcomes WHO inquiry into coronavirus origins in China as Pres Trump continue attack on the Asian country

US President Donald Trump attends a meeting at the White House on Thursday. Photo: AP

GENEVA/MIAMI, July 11 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States welcomes the World Health Organization’s W(HO) probe into the origins of the novel coronavirus in China, its ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva said.

“We welcome the WHO’s investigation. We view the scientific investigation as a necessary step to having a complete and transparent understanding of how this virus has spread throughout the world,” Andrew Bremberg told reporters.

It was an unexpected endorsement, given that the WHO has faced fierce US criticism over its handling of the coronavirus crisis.

Earlier Friday, an epidemiologist and an animal health specialist from the WHO left for China to try and identify the animal source of the new coronavirus pandemic.

The WHO said the advance team would be in Beijing for the weekend as they lay the groundwork for a wider mission aimed at identifying how the virus jumped from animal to humans.

Bremberg said the US expected the Chinese authorities “will offer the team of scientists full access to data, samples and localities, and look forward to its timely report”.

US President Donald Trump has accused the WHO of botching its handling of the pandemic and of being a “puppet of China”.

On Tuesday the United States formally started its withdrawal from the WHO, making good on Trump’s threats to deprive the UN body of its top donor over its management of the pandemic.

The novel coronavirus has killed at least 556,000 people and infected more than 12.4 million since it emerged in China last December.

Scientists believe the killer virus originated from a market in the city of Wuhan selling exotic animals for meat.

Meanwhile in MIAMI, Trump lashed out at China over the coronavirus pandemic while visiting Florida, one of the worst-hit US states.

As he jetted into Florida for a campaign fundraiser – ignoring health advice about the dangers of large gatherings – Trump warned of frayed ties with the Asian nation where the virus emerged late last year.

“(The) relationship with China has been severely damaged. They could have stopped the plague … They didn’t stop it,” he told reporters on Air Force One.

The remarks escalate Trump’s war of words with China, which he has repeatedly accused of a lack of transparency over the outbreak before the coronavirus exploded into a global pandemic. China denies the allegations.

Trump also signalled that a phase two trade deal with China was not a priority now and that he had “many other things” on his mind instead.

The United States is by far the country hardest hit by the virus, with more than 3.1 million confirmed infections and 133,000 dead. — NNN-AGENCIES


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