US restricts visas to Chinese officials over Hong Kong

US restricts visas to Chinese officials over Hong Kong

WASHINGTON, June 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States said it was restricting visas to a number of Chinese officials for
infringing on the autonomy of Hong Kong.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States would restrict
visas for unspecified current and former officials linked of the
Chinese Communist Party “who were responsible for eviscerating Hong
Kong’s freedoms.”

The move comes as China moves forward with a security law that would punish perceived subversion in Hong Kong, which Beijing had promised a high degree of autonomy when it regained control of the major financial hub from Britain in 1997.

Critics say the law will effectively remove the freedoms that Hong Kong has enjoyed up to now.

“The United States calls on China to honor its commitments and obligations in the Sino-British Joint Declaration,” said Pompeo while announcing the visa restrictions.

A State Department spokeswoman gave few details on precisely who was targeted, saying only that those subject to the restrictions would “be evaluated for their eligibility under this policy when they apply and may be refused visas.”

The announcement of the visa policy came a day after the US Senate passed a bill, the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, that would place economic sanctions in the US on Chinese officials and Hong Kong police identified as working to damage Hong Kong’s autonomous status.

The bill, which needs to be passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by Trump, would also punish banks that do business on a large scale with such individuals.

Last month, Pompeo and Trump announced that the US would strip Hong Kong of the special trading privileges that have allowed it to remain a global financial hub. Pompeo said in May that Hong Kong had already lost most of its autonomy from China and did not warrant any special status.

Tensions have been rising between Washington and Beijing not only over Hong Kong, but also over the coronavirus pandemic, trade issues and what many see as Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea.

However, despite the growing rows, Trump still says he is hopeful that China will implement a bilateral trade deal. — NNN-AGENCIES


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