DPRK Fully Supports China’s Decision On National Security Legislation For Hong Kong

DPRK Fully Supports China’s Decision On National Security Legislation For Hong Kong

PYONGYANG, May 30 (NNN-KCNA) – The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), said, it fully supports China’s decision on national security legislation for Hong Kong, today.

It is a legitimate step that China adopted to Safeguard National Security, which is based on the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the HKSAR, at the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), a spokesperson for the ministry, said.

“We fully support the measures taken by the Party and government of China for safeguarding the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the country and achieving stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, based on the policy of ‘one country, two systems,'” the spokesman said.

A difficult situation is being created in Hong Kong in recent years, which threatens the principle of “one country, two systems” and the national security of China, he noted.

“This is the product of a plot by external force and its vassal forces that seek the division and disintegration of China, by tarnishing the image of a socialist country and fomenting and escalating a social disorder,” the spokesperson added.

“Since the Hong Kong issue is one pertaining to the internal affairs of China, any country or force has no rights to say this or that about it. We categorically oppose and reject foreign interference, detrimental to the security and the social and economic development of Hong Kong.”

On Thursday, deputies to China’s 13th NPC voted overwhelmingly to approve the decision on national security legislation for Hong Kong.– NNN-KCNA.


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