Thai Public Health Minister Honoured By WHO For Tobacco Control

Thai Public Health Minister Honoured By WHO For Tobacco Control

BANGKOK, May 28 (NNN-TNA) – Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, yesterday was awarded with the World No Tobacco Day Award 2020, from the World Health Organisation (WHO), for implementing policies to control tobacco.

Thailand-based WHO representative, Daniel Kertesz, presented the award to the minister to mark the World No Tobacco Day on May 31.

“The Ministry of Public Health has always adhered to good practices and pushed for comprehensive measures to encourage people to quit smoking,” said Anutin. “Even electronic cigarettes are banned in Thailand.”

“The award results from the work and is the pride of the Public Health Ministry. It does not belong to an individual. The country opposes all forms of smoking. I am thankful to the public health personnel and partners, for their support for policies leading to the effective control on tobacco consumption,” said Anutin.

“I would like the 10 million smokers in Thailand to start from now, put down your cigarettes for your health and the people whom you love.”

The health ministry, late last year, rolled out a new regulation, requiring cigarettes to be sold only in plain packages, with 10 new pictures and warning messages designed by the ministry.– NNN-TNA


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