UNITED SIKHS Australia Joins With Local Agencies To Provide COVID-19 Support

UNITED SIKHS Emergency Team Provides Help to Suffering Populations

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, May 5 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — UNITED SIKHS, a United Nations affiliated international non-profit, humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization, has had boots on the ground providing support and supplies to families in need during the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world including Australia.

Before World Health Organisation (WHO) announced COVID-19 as pandemic, Australia was one of the first countries to begin immediate action in managing COVID-19 as a national health emergency. As a result of early action Australia has conducted more than 551,000 tests across the country. Of the 6,746 confirmed cases, 90 have been reported dead and 5,685 have been reported as recovered.



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