Covid-19: Pres Trump says he expects to see a ‘lot of schools’ open up

Covid-19: Pres Trump says he expects to see a ‘lot of schools’ open up

WASHINGTON, April 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Donald Trump said he expects to see a “lot” of US schools reopen after being shut down by the coronavirus pandemic.

“Many (state governors) are thinking about their school system,” Trump said at a daily White House briefing.

“Not a long way to go in the school system right now, for this season, for this year, but I think you’ll see a lot of schools open up,” he said.

“Even if it’s for a very short period of time, I think it would be a good thing,” Trump told reporters.

“Young people seem to do very well,” he added in an apparent reference to studies showing that children do not get as sick from the virus as older people.

“So I know that there are some governors that aren’t necessarily ready to open up their states, but they may be ready to open up their school systems,” Trump said.

“That’s their choice, but the word is safety,” he said. “Rapid — but safety.”

Schools around the country have closed because of the coronavirus pandemic and many have switched to online instruction.

On the November presidential election, Trump dismissed allegations by his opponent Joe Biden that he would try to delay the November election as the United States struggles to quell the coronavirus outbreak.

“I never even thought of changing the date of the election. Why would I do that?” he said.

“I look forward to that election, and that was just made-up propaganda. Not by him, but by some of the many people that are working” for Biden, Trump said.

The president cannot by law unilaterally change the date of the election, which is due on Nov 3.

The outbreak has left more than 55,000 people dead in the United States. — NNN-AGENCIES


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