COVID-19 Cases In Israel Surpass 15,000

COVID-19 Cases In Israel Surpass 15,000

JERUSALEM, Apr 25 (NNN-MA’AN) – The number of COVID-19 patients in Israel reached 15,058, after 255 new patients were added on Friday, the state’s Ministry of Health said.

According to the ministry, the number of death cases rose from 192 to 194, while the number of patients in serious condition decreased from 139 to 137, out of 409 patients currently hospitalised.

Also, the number of recoveries reached 6,003, after 392 patients were tested negative on Friday.

Earlier on Friday, the Israeli government declared several neighbourhoods in the cities of Netivot in southern Israel and Beit Shemesh near Jerusalem restricted areas because of the high infection rate of COVID-19.

The restrictions, which will start on Sunday (tomorrow) morning, were imposed under emergency regulations.

Residents of restricted areas will be allowed to leave only for essential medical care, legal proceedings or a funeral of a close family member.– NNN-MA’AN


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