Covid-19: Libya to impose 10-day curfew to combat coronavirus

Covid-19: Libya to impose 10-day curfew to combat coronavirus
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TRIPOLI, April 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Libya’s UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) has declared a 10-day curfew starting Friday to fight the novel coronavirus.

At a press conference, the Supreme Committee for Combating COVID-19 said all vegetable and meat markets will be closed, but bakeries and some shops will remain open to meet people’s needs.

Only pedestrians will be allowed to go out between 8 am and 2 pm local time, provided they are wearing masks.

Libya has reported one death from the virus and nine recoveries, while a total of 48 cases have been reported so far. The country recorded its first case of the coronavirus on March 24.

Since emerging last December in Wuhan, China, the virus has infected more than 2 million people worldwide and claimed over 133,000 lives, according to figures compiled by U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University. More than 510,000 people have recovered.

Libyans rushed on Thursday to stock up on food for the holy Muslim month of Ramadan before a curfew starts in the capital Tripoli and other western areas aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus.

With the sound of artillery booming in the background from an offensive against Tripoli by the eastern-based Libya National Army (LNA) of Khalifa Haftar, residents queued to get cash out of banks and to buy food.

Ramadan, when Muslims fast until sunset, will start around April 24. The coronavirus adds to the fears and anxieties of residents tired after years of conflict that have seen the huge north African country divided into rival governments.

Despite calls by the United Nations for a ceasefire to allow Libya’s fragmented and overstretched health system to prepare to fight the COVID-19 disease, fighting has intensified since the LNA lost four towns in western Libya.

Blasts of artillery could be heard in central Tripoli throughout the week from fighting in southern districts that the LNA has been trying to breach. — NNN-AGENCIES


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