Covid-19: German zoo may have to feed animals to each other

Covid-19: German zoo may have to feed animals to each other
The panda twins in Berlin Zoo would draw big crowds in normal times

The panda twins in Berlin Zoo would draw big crowds in normal times

BERLIN, April 16 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Zoos that should have been crowded in the sunny Easter holidays are now hard-up and asking for donations, as the coronavirus lockdown bites.

A zoo director in northern Germany has even admitted that some animals might soon have to be fed to others, if the zoo is to survive.

“We’ve listed the animals we’ll have to slaughter first,” Neumünster Zoo’s Verena Kaspari told Die Welt.

Berlin Zoo has infant panda twins, but their fans can only watch them online.

The zoo’s spokeswoman Philine Hachmeister told DPA news agency “the panda twins are adorably sweet”.

“Constantly we’re thinking ‘the visitors should be watching them live’. We don’t want the little pandas to be grown up by the time we finally reopen.”

Kaspari at Neumünster Zoo said killing some animals so that others could live would be a last resort, and “unpleasant”, but even that would not solve the financial problem.

The seals and penguins needed big quantities of fresh fish daily, she pointed out.

“If it comes to it, I’ll have to euthanise animals, rather than let them starve,” she said.

“At the worst, we would have to feed some of the animals to others.”

Kaspari’s zoo belongs to an association, which is not covered by the state emergency fund for small businesses.

She estimates the zoo’s loss of income this spring will be about €175,000.

Besides direct appeals for public donations, Germany’s zoos are jointly requesting government aid worth €100m, DPA reports.

Germany’s national zoo association (VdZ) argues that zoos, unlike many other businesses, cannot go into hibernation and run down costs. Animals still have to be fed daily and looked after, while a tropical enclosure has to be heated above 20C.

Germany has 132,718 confirmed coronavirus cases to date, including 3,592 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. — NNN-AGENCIES


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