Israel Complains To UNIFIL Over Trees Planted By Lebanon Along Borders

Israel Complains To UNIFIL Over Trees Planted By Lebanon Along Borders

BEIRUT, Apr 16 (NNN-NNA) – The United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), informed Lebanese military and civil parties that, Israel wants Lebanon to remove trees, planted along a cement wall separating the two countries in Kfar Kila, south of Lebanon.

Hassan Chit, mayor of Kfar Kila, said, Israel complained to UNIFIL that, “Lebanon planted trees inside the Blue Line” separating the two countries.

Chit said, the municipality of Kfar Kila planted the trees in cooperation with an environmental association known as “Green without Borders” to beautify the area adjacent to the wall.

“Israel demanded uprooting the trees because they disrupt the work of Israeli surveillance cameras and spy devices,” Chit added, noting that, the devices are heavily concentrated on the cement wall and directed towards the Lebanese side.

“The municipal council refuses to uproot the 3,000 planted trees, and we will only agree to remove them, if Israel removes its surveillance cameras and spy devices, which are stationed on the concrete wall,” he said.

Parties following up on the issue said, UNIFIL is currently communicating with both sides to find a solution that would satisfy both countries.

According to the UNIFIL study, the trees fall within the Blue Line, but the Lebanese army reports that the trees are planted in a disputed area between Lebanon and Israel.

The United Nations established the Blue Line in Jun, 2000, for the purpose of confirming the full withdrawal of Israeli Defence Forces from Lebanese territory.– NNN-NNA


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