Shopping Centres In Oman Asked To Stick To COVID-19 Control Measures

Shopping Centres In Oman Asked To Stick To COVID-19 Control Measures

MUSCAT, Apr 12 (NNN-ONA) – The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, told owners of shopping centres and shops, to heed the precautionary measures imparted to them earlier, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, to help curb the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.

The procedures, the Ministry said, include regulate the entry of consumers to the shopping outlets in small groups, and maintain a two-metre distance between shoppers at the counter. This is in addition to sterilising trolleys and surfaces and making sanitizers within reach of consumers.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry said that it will take legal action against offending outlets that fail to abide by the said procedures.

The Ministry also advised consumers to look after their health and safety when shopping, by observing strict commitment to precautionary measures. Families should send only one person shopping, and avoid frequenting shopping outlets during peak hours, between 7.00 and 10.00 pm, said the Ministry, which encourages consumers to use online applications for shopping where available.– NNN-ONA


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