Covid-19: UK PM Johnson ‘clinically stable’ in intensive care

Covid-19: UK PM Johnson ‘clinically stable’ in intensive care
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

LONDON, April 9 (NNN-AGENCIES) — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was “clinically stable” in intensive care on Wednesday and responding to treatment for COVID-19 complications.

Johnson, who tested positive nearly two weeks ago, was admitted to St Thomas’ hospital on Sunday evening with a persistent high temperature and cough but his condition deteriorated and he was rushed into an intensive care unit.

The 55-year-old British leader has received oxygen support but was not put on a ventilator.

“The prime minister remains clinically stable and is responding to treatment. He is in good spirits,” Johnson’s spokesman said, similar to what Downing Street has been saying over the past two days.

As Johnson battled the novel coronavirus in hospital, the United Kingdom was entering what scientists said was the deadliest phase of the outbreak and grappling with the question of when to lift the lockdown.

Inside the government, ministers were debating how long the world’s fifth-largest economy could afford to be shut down, and the long-term implications of one of the most stringent set of emergency controls in peacetime history.

As the nation entered the middle of its third week of lockdown, the coronavirus death toll in the UK increased by 936 to 7,172 after the deadliest day yet.

England has recorded the most deaths (6,438), followed by Scotland (366), Wales (235) and Northern Ireland (78). 

Johnson was breathing without any assistance and had not required respiratory support, his designated deputy, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said of the prime minister, whom he described as “a fighter”.

There are few precedents in British history of a prime minister being incapacitated at a time of major crisis, though Winston Churchill suffered a stroke while in office in 1953 and Tony Blair twice underwent heart treatment in the 2000s.

Johnson has delegated some authority to Raab, who was appointed foreign minister less than a year ago, though any major decisions – such as when to lift the lockdown – would in effect need the blessing of Johnson’s cabinet.

Britain’s uncodified constitution – an unwieldy collection of sometimes ancient and contradictory precedents – offers no clear, formal “Plan B”. In essence, it is the prime minister’s call and, if he is incapacitated, then up to cabinet to decide.

Raab said ministers had “very clear directions, very clear instructions” from Johnson but it was not clear what would happen if crucial decisions needed to be made which strayed from the approved plan. — NNN-AGENCIES


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