Libyan Army-Chad militant clashes cause blackout in southern Libya

TRIPOLI, Feb 2 (NNN-Xinhua) — Libya’s state-owned General Electricity Company announced Friday that the current clashes between the army forces and Chadian opposition militants caused blackout in the region.

The clashes damaged electric circuits in the region, causing blackout in more than a dozen of towns, the company said in a statement.

“Maintenance teams are ready to repair the damage as soon as security conditions improve,” the statement said.

A military officer told Xinhua that the army units responded to an attack by Chadian opposition militants in southern Libya earlier on Friday, killing and injuring several army soldiers.

The eastern-based army, led by Khalifa Haftar, has been launching a military campaign against terrorism and crime in the south since mid-January.

The army officer said the campaign will continue “until all of southern Libya is cleared of terrorism, crime and Chadian opposition.”

The army is allied with the eastern-based government, as the country is politically divided between two governments in the east and the west, both competing for legitimacy. — NNN-XINHUA


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