US judge grants early release to Brazilian in FIFA corruption scandal

US judge grants early release to Brazilian in FIFA corruption scandal

NEW YORK, April 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A federal judge in New York
granted the release from prison on humanitarian grounds of an 87-year-old
former senior Brazilian football official tarnished by the FIFA corruption

Judge Pamela Chen authorized the release of Jose Maria Marin, a former
Brazilian Football Confederation president, who was serving a four-year
prison sentence for accepting millions of dollars in bribes as part of the
global FIFA corruption scandal.

Marin was scheduled for release in early December 2020, according to the US Federal Bureau of Prisons.

But following a request from the Brazilian’s lawyers, Chen granted a
“compassionate release,” for reasons “including his advanced age,
significantly deteriorating health, elevated risk of dire health consequences
due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, status as a non-violent offender, and
service of 80% of his original sentence”.

Marin was the first major football official found guilty and sent to prison
in the United States as part of the “FIFA gate” scandal of kickbacks and
bribes that smeared the reputation of the global sports organization.

He was being held in FCI Allenwood, a minimum security facility in the
state of Pennsylvania.

In August of 2018, a New York jury found Marin guilty of accepting $6.6
million in bribes — along with his deputy, Marco Polo del Nero — in
exchange for contracts to broadcast major tournaments. — NNN-AGENCIES


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