Indian PM Modi Announces 21-Day Lock-down To Fight COVID-19

Indian PM Modi Announces 21-Day Lock-down To Fight COVID-19

by Pankaj Yadav

NEW DELHI, Mar 25 (NNN-XINHUA) – In a bid to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced a “countrywide lock-down” for 21 days, beginning Tuesday (yesterday).

He urged upon his countrymen to stay inside their homes and not take the risk of venturing out.

“The virus spreads very fast. If we don’t take it seriously now, it can pose a serious threat in the near future to our country. If we don’t follow countrywide lock-down for the next 21 days, our country can be gripped by the virus and pushed back by 21 years,” warned Modi.

This was PM Modi’s second address to his countrymen in less than a week. Earlier, he had addressed the nation on Mar 19.

“Isolation is the only way to break the virus Cycle, and protect against it. Social distancing is a must,” said Modi, and added that, people in some countries, which were in the grip of the virus, strictly followed the directions from their respective government and stayed inside their homes. “And, hence those countries were able to check the virus spread.”

“This is the hour of patience and strong resolve. I appeal with folded hands to all the countrymen that, while staying at home, please pray for those who are putting their lives at risk, like medical staff, day and night.”

The prime minister, however, assured that, there would be no dearth of essential supplies across the country, during the period of lock-down. He also announced a financial package of 15,000 crore Indian Rupees (around 2.1 billion U.S. dollars), for upgrading health services and training more medical staff to meet the challenge posed by the virus.

He also appealed to the people not to take any medication without consulting medical practitioners.

According to the country’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, as of Tuesday, there were a total of 519 COVID-19 cases in India, including 476 Indians and 43 foreign nationals. As many as 40 cases were cured.

Ten persons have died of the disease so far, with one on Tuesday.

Earlier in the day, Indian External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, had a telephonic conversation with Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, where the latter offered to share China’s experiences in curbing COVID-19.

“Wang Yi expressed sympathy and solidarity with India, in its fight against COVID-19. China is ready to share experience, provide assistance within our capacity and open its channel for procurement to India,” tweeted Chinese ambassador to India, Sun Weidong, on Tuesday evening.

Meanwhile, many states continue to impose a lock-down, restricting people’s movement on roads. According to media reports, those found venturing out of their homes unnecessarily were arrested and fined.– NNN-XINHUA


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