US-North Korea summit details to be announced next week: Trump

WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday said the details of his upcoming summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will be announced next week – and that a date and place had been settled.

“We’re going to announce it very soon. We’ll be announcing early next week and they very much want the meeting,” Trump told reporters in the White House.

“I think most of you know where the location is. I don’t think it’s a great secret,” he added, touting what he called the “tremendous progress” made with Pyongyang.

Trump held a historic first summit with Kim in Singapore in June to try to persuade the reclusive North Korean strongman to give up the country’s nuclear weapons.

The US president has come under fire at home from critics who say that Kim has not taken enough concrete steps toward denuclearisation to be given a second summit.

US Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said on Tuesday that North Korea would resist pressure because its leaders see nuclear weapons capability as “critical to regime survival.”Advertisement

Trump on Thursday pushed back against intelligence leaders who publicly disagree with his foreign policy positions on North Korea, Iran and Syria.

“I disagree with certain things that they said, I think I’m right,” he said. “Time will prove me right probably.” — NNN-AGENCIES


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