Algerian PM presents Plan of Action in lower house of parliament


Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad

ALGIERS, Feb 12 (NNN-Xinhua) — Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad said one of the most important challenges of the government is to get Algeria out of a “critical” political and economic stage into a new era in which people’s confidence in the country’s institutions will be restored.

Djerad made the remarks during the presentation of his government’s Plan of Action before the members of the People’s National Assembly (lower house of the parliament) in a plenary session.

He said the government is working to contribute to the “construction of a new Algeria which will encompass all aspects of political, economic and social governance,” with the objective of “recovering the confidence of our people in their rulers and their institutions.”

The prime minister stressed that “restoring and strengthening confidence between the people and their leaders requires a democracy based on the principles of alternation in power, respect for individual and collective freedoms, justice and the consolidation of the rule of law “.

He added that the government will work to “clean up the disastrous legacy” of governance in previous years by “implementing new practices paving the way for political and economic change.”

The Algerian presidency announced on Jan 2 the formation of a new cabinet led by Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerrad, which is composed of 29 ministers including five women.

According to Algerian Constitution, the new government should draw up a Plan of Action for the approval of the two houses of parliament. — NNN-XINHUA


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