Israeli Watchdog B’Tselem Slams Trump’s ‘Peace Plan’ As Apartheid Against Palestinians

Israeli Watchdog B’Tselem Slams Trump’s ‘Peace Plan’ As Apartheid Against Palestinians

JERUSALEM, Jan 29 (NNN-DS) – Palestinians will be relegated to small, enclosed, isolated enclaves, with no control over their lives, as the plan eternalises the fragmentation of Palestinian space into disconnected slivers of territory, in a sea of Israeli control, not unlike the Bantus of South Africa’s Apartheid regime,” Israeli watchdog B’Tselem said, in harsh response to U.S. President, Donald Trump’s so-called “deal of the century.”

“The American administration’s plan, branded as the “deal of the century” is more like Swiss cheese, where the cheese is being offered to the Israelis and the holes to the Palestinians. There are many ways to end the occupation, but the only legitimate options are those based on equality and human rights for all,” the organisation added, emphasising that the plan “legitimises, entrenches and even expands the scope of Israel’s human rights abuses.”

Saying that the plan “drains the principles of international law of any meaning,” the watchdog added that, Trump is going to reward Israel for its unlawful seizure of Palestinian land.

“This plan reveals a world view that sees Palestinians as perennial subjects, rather than free, autonomous human beings,” the statement added.

“As a matter of fact, it is no solution at all, just a recipe for generations more of oppression, injustice, and violence.”

Trump unveiled earlier, the long-awaited peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, although it was already roundly rejected by the Palestinians.

Trump said that previous U.S. presidents failed to forge peace with Israel and Palestine, adding that, his plan is the “most detailed proposal ever.”

Trump said that Jerusalem will remain Israel’s “undivided capital.”– NNN-DS


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