Diwan Of The Royal Court Of Oman Issues Obituary On The Death Of Sultan Qaboos Bin Saeed

Diwan Of The Royal Court Of Oman Issues Obituary On The Death Of Sultan Qaboos Bin Saeed

MUSCAT, Jan 11 (NNN-ONA) – To the people of the beloved homeland in all its districts, to the Arab and Islamic nations and to the world at large.

It is with hearts filled with faith in Allah and his Providence, and with great sorrow and deep sadness— yet with complete satisfaction and absolute submission to the will of the Almighty Allah, that the Diwan of the Royal Court mourns Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, who passed away on Friday, the 14th of Jumada Al-Ula, (Jan 10, 2020), after establishing a comprehensive renaissance over the past 50 years, since he assumed power on July 23, 1970, and after leading a prudent and triumphant march, abundant with bounty that prevailed all over Oman, and even spread over to the Arab world, Islamic nation and the rest of the world. This renaissance resulted in a balanced foreign policy that was saluted with solemn respect by the whole world.”

On this occasion, the Diwan announces a state of mourning and the halt of official work in the public and private sectors for three days, and the flying of flags at half-mast over the forthcoming 40 days.

May the Almighty Allah grant us patience to bear this immense loss. (“Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.”).– NNN-ONA


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