12 Injured In Tripoli In Protest Against Power Rationing

12 Injured In Tripoli In Protest Against Power Rationing

BEIRUT, Jan 9 (NNN-NNA) – A dozen Lebanese protesters were injured, on Wednesday evening, during clashes with soldiers, in Tripoli, over increased power rationing.

The protesters, who gathered near the Qadisha Electricity Company, threw stones at the soldiers, who fired tear gas to disperse them.

Lack of electricity in Lebanon has been a problem for many years, as the government is incapable of generating the needed amount of power.

Successive governments have failed over the years to build power stations to solve the electricity problem.

In recent years, Electricite Du Liban’s budget deficit ranged between 1.5-2 billion U.S. dollars, depending largely on the oil prices in international markets.

The Qadisha Electric Company is a privately managed power firm subcontracted by Electricite du Liban to serve Tripoli.– NNN-NNA


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