Troops deployed across fire-hit Australia after horror weekend

SYDNEY, Jan 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Reserve troops were deployed to
fire-ravaged regions across three Australian states on Monday after a torrid
weekend that turned swathes of land into smouldering, blackened hellscapes.

The bushfires have now destroyed an area the size of Ireland, according to
official figures, and authorities warned the months-long crisis is not over
as another heatwave looms.

Firefighters joined by fresh teams from the US and Canada were taking
advantage of rainy and cooler conditions to tackle out-of-control blazes
ahead of soaring temperatures forecast later this week.

Military teams, in the biggest-ever call up of reserves, fanned out across
eastern Australia to help emergency services assess the damage, restore power and deliver supplies of food, water and fuel to cut-off communities.

For the first time in Australian history the government also deployed its
medical assistance team — normally sent to other nations to lend support in
the aftermath of their disasters — to help evacuees.

“There is no room for complacency, especially as we have over 130 fires
burning across (New South Wales) state still,” New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said early Monday.

Almost five million hectares (50,000 square kilometres) have been razed
across the state since late September, New South Wales Rural Fire Service
commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons added.

That took the total amount of land burnt close to eight million hectares —
the size of the island of Ireland or South Carolina.

Twenty-four people have lost their lives so far, with over 1,500 homes

Two people are missing in New South Wales, the vast nation’s most populous state.

The chair of the newly established Victoria state’s bushfire appeal fund,
Pat McNamara, said this year’s summer bushfire season was a “creeping

“We’re still not even into what we would regard as the peak of the fire
season,” McNamara told national broadcaster ABC.

“So we’ve probably got at least another four to five weeks of this sort of
weather and we’ve got to deal with it.”

Authorities were also grappling with the health impacts of heavy smoke
engulfing cities and towns in or near fire-hit regions, including the
country’s second-largest city Melbourne and the national capital Canberra.

In Canberra, some government departments were shut as the city’s air
quality was once-again ranked the poorest in the world, according to
independent online air-quality index monitor Air Visual. — NNN-AGENCIES


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