Sri Lanka to convert railway stations into green projects

Sri Lanka to convert railway stations into green projects

The view from a train approaching Barammane railway station near Kandy, Sri Lanka, Asia. Courtesy of Nicola Pulham/Shuttershock

COLOMBO, Jan 2 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Sri Lanka’s Transport Ministry, on Wednesday launched a mega project across the island country to convert railway stations into green projects as part of a beautification programme, Xinhua news agency reported.

Transport Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, quoted in local media reports said that he had instructed all railway department officials to launch the project, starting from the Dematagoda Railway station, in capital Colombo.

The minister said all railway stations would be converted into green railway stations under the concept of “Green Places and Cities for Health and Prosperity.”

Presently the Kandy Railway Station, in the central highlands has been identified as the cleanest railway station.

“The government will initiate the programme giving priority to nature and promote sustainable development in Sri Lanka through Green Economic initiatives,” said the minister.

All the railway stations in the country will be developed into beautiful and green stations to attract local and foreign commuters, he added.

Under the beautification programme, the most attractive green railway station will be selected between March and July next year.



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