US to take action if N.Korea chooses another approach: White House

WASHINGTON, Dec 30 (NNN-Xinhua) — The United States would demonstrate disappointment and take action if North Korea takes another approach over the nuclear issue, a senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump said.

In an Sunday interview with ABC News, Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien warned of “additional pressure” on North Korea while refusing to speculating on future developments on the issue.

The DPRK had set its deadline for the denuclearization negotiations at the end of this year, and it also carried out two “important tests” at its Sohae Satellite Launching Ground earlier this month.

The denuclearization negotiation between Washington and Pyongyang has lost momentum since the impasse of the Hanoi Summit in late February and unproductive working-level talks in Stockholm in October. — NNN-AGENCIES


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