President of Venezuela pays tribute to Manuela Saenz, South America’s feminist and freedom fighter

CARACAS, Dec 28 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro paid tribute to the heroine of the Independence of South America, Manuela Saenz (1797-1856), 222 years after her birth.

‘222 years! We proudly celebrate the birth of the general’s wife and heroine of the Patria Grande, Manuela Sáenz. A feminist woman ahead of her time who knew how to break the social norms of the period. Manuelita is a living example of the passion that moves us to fight for freedom,’ the head of state tweeted.

Born in Ecuador, Saenz had an active and leading participation in the fight against the Spanish empire, which is why she is considered one of the first feminists in Latin America.

She fought in the battle of Pichincha that sealed the freedom of Ecuador (1822), as well as that of Ayacucho (1824), which crowned the sovereignty of Peru and South America.

Recognized by Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) as the ‘Liberator of the Liberator,’ Sáenz died in Peru due to an diphtheria epidemic, and her symbolic remains were transferred to the National Pantheon, in Caracas. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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