Israel’s PM Slams ICC’s Decision To Probe Alleged War Crimes

Israel’s PM Slams ICC’s Decision To Probe Alleged War Crimes

JERUSALEM, Dec 23 (NNN-MA’AN) – Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, condemned the International Criminal Court’s (ICC’s) intention, to launch a full investigation into alleged war crimes, in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

Speaking during his weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu called the decision by ICC Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, “an absurdity.”

He said, the ICC has no jurisdiction in the case, charging that Israel “operates in accordance with the highest legal standards of the Western democracies.”

He thanked U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, “from the depth of our heart,” after the latter issued a statement against the decision.

Prosecutor Bensouda, said that, information collected during a 4-year-long preliminary probe, into possible war crimes, justifies the launch of an investigation.

She said that she believes war crimes “have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.”

Israel reacted swiftly, with Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, who believed that the court has no jurisdiction over Israel, since Israel has never joined the court, issuing a legal opinion rejecting the decision.

Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Ishtaye said, the decision marks “a major and remarkable shift in dealing with Israeli violations against the Palestinians,” adding that, his government will make every legal effort to hold Israel accountable.

Israel seized East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war, and has been controlling them ever since, despite international criticism.

The Palestinians wish to establish their future state in these territories, with East Jerusalem as its capital.– NNN-MA’AN


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