Belgian court convicts Rwandan official for genocide

BRUSSELS, Dec 20 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A Brussels court found a former Rwandan official guilty of genocide after hearing of his role in the 1994
massacres in his country.

Fabien Neretse, who protested his innocence, is the first person to be
convicted in Belgium on such a charge and he now faces a possible life

The 71-year-old agricultural scientist was also convicted of “war crimes”
for 11 killings in Rwanda, under Belgium’s code of universal jurisdiction for
the most serious offences.

Neretse remained passive in the dock during the sentencing. He and the
families of his victims will learn of his fate after a separate sentencing
hearing on Friday.

His defence hung on questioning the credibility of the multiple witnesses
called against him — but prosecutors managed to prove that the exile has
been living a lie for a quarter of a century.

Belgium has already held four trials and condemned eight perpetrators of
killings in its former colony, but Neretse is the first defendant to be
specifically convicted of the most grave charge — genocide.

During the trial, Neretse was accused of having ordered the murder of 11
identified civilians in Kigali and two in a rural area north of the capital
in April and July 1994.

The jury cleared him of two of the Kigali killings, but found him guilty of
11 war crimes.

To demonstrate the more serious charge of genocide, the prosecutor cited
Neretse’s appearance at public rallies urging fellow members of the Hutu
ethnic group to slaughter the minority Tutsi community.

Neretse was a farming expert who founded a college in his home district
Mataba, in the north of Rwanda.

Between 1989 and 1992 he was director of the national coffee promoter,
OCIR-Caf,, a key post in one of Rwanda’s main export sectors.

He was seen as a local kingpin in Mataba, and a cadre in the former MRND
ruling party of late president Juvenal Habyarimana.

But at trial he insisted he was an inactive party member and a friend to

“I will never stop insisting that I neither planned nor took part in the
genocide,” he insisted on Tuesday, before the jury retired to contemplate its

However, the court found there were many “improbabilities” in his
statements, according to the judgement.

Neretse was arrested in 2011 in France, where he had rebuilt a professional
life as a refugee, and he has spent only a few months in protective pre-trial

Under a 1993 law, Belgian courts enjoy universal jurisdiction to prosecute
genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity wherever they took place.

The case brought against Neretse was in large measure thanks to the
determination of 70-year-old Belgian former EU civil servant Martine Beckers.

Beckers’ sister, brother-in-law and 20-year-old niece were shot dead by a
gang linked to Neretse.

Their killings took place three days after the assassination of Hutu
president Habyarimana, the start of a genocidal campaign that would leave
800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus dead.

Beckers made a formal complaint to the Belgian federal police in 1994, and
in the years since — working with Rwandan witnesses and human rights groups — she believes she has traced the instigators.

Magistrates have been compiling evidence in the case for 15 years. — NNN-AGENCIES


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