U.S. Attempts To Incite Lebanese Anger Against Hezbollah: Nasrallah

U.S. Attempts To Incite Lebanese Anger Against Hezbollah: Nasrallah

BEIRUT, Dec 14 (NNN-NNA) – Hezbollah leader, Sayeed Hassan Nasrallah, slammed the U.S. for attempting to incite anger among the Lebanese against Hezbollah.

Nasrallah urged Lebanese officials and citizens, not to trust the U.S., and instead work together to save the country from its current crisis.

“Do not trust the U.S. and its continuous promises of help and support, because it has deceived a lot of countries before, without fulfilling any of its promises towards any of its friends,” the Hezbollah chief said.

Nasrallah said that Washington is trying to create anger among the Lebanese people towards Hezbollah, which will serve its own interests.

“The U.S. wants to convince the Lebanese that we constitute a danger for Lebanon. In fact, Hezbollah constitutes a real danger for the U.S. and Israel, but not for Lebanon and the Lebanese people,” he said.

He added, the main goals of the U.S. and Israel in Lebanon include oil, gas and water resources, while Hezbollah aims at protecting the wealth and dignity of the Lebanese.

He said Hezbollah is in favour of a unity government capable of agreeing on making structural reforms to save the current deteriorating economy.

Lebanon has been witnessing nationwide protests since Oct 17, which led to the resignation of the government of PM Saad Hariri.

The country is currently facing a political paralysis awaiting the President’s parliamentary consultations on Monday, to name a new prime minister, who will be tasked with the formation of a new government.– NNN-NNA


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