UN Urges Somalia To Step Up Fight Against Graft

UN Urges Somalia To Step Up Fight Against Graft

MOGADISHU, Dec 10 (NNN-AGENCIES) – UN senior envoy in Somalia, called on the government to enhance fight against corruption, which is an obstacle to development and erodes public trust.

James Swan, special representative of the UN’s Secretary-General for Somalia, welcomed the country’s progress in strengthening the rule of law and building accountable and transparent institutions and underlined the importance of continuing to work on these areas.

“Corruption is a major obstacle to development. It undermines efforts towards state-building, peace and reconciliation. It erodes public trust and weakens state institutions’ ability to deliver to their people,” Swan said. in a statement issued to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.

He said, the UN is very encouraged by the recent signing into law by President Mohamed Farmajo, of the bill on the establishment of anti-corruption commission and the elaboration of the national anti-corruption strategy. “These are commendable steps forward for Somalia,” said the UN envoy.

He said, the UN system has established an anti-corruption platform with international financial institutions and other development partners, to provide technical and advisory services to Somalia in its efforts to curb corruption.– NNN-AGENCIES


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