AmInvest Named Top Investment House in Asian Local Currency Bonds

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 (Bernama) — AmInvest’s capabilities and expertise in Asian local currency bonds have received three acknowledgements, including the Top Investment House in Asian Local Currency Bonds for Malaysia (“Top Investment House”) at The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2019 (“The Asset Benchmark Awards”). Under the most Astute Investors category for Malaysia, Mr. Kho Hock Khoon, AmInvest’s Senior Fixed Income Manager was ranked second (out of 23 awardees) and Mr. Raymond Lew, AmInvest’s Head of Fixed Income was amongst the Highly Commended in its sub-category.¹

Commenting on the acknowledgements, Ms Goh Wee Peng, Chief Executive Officer of AmInvest, said, “It is an honour to receive these recognitions which are a testament to the capabilities of our investment team, who has consistently managed to create value for our clients. In addition, we are grateful to our clients for their trust and support over the last 38 years, making us one of the largest fixed income unit trust fund managers in the country.¹ ”


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