Colombia faces another week of anti-government protests

BOGOTA, Dec 3 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Colombia is currently facing another week of anti-government protests as a reflection of social unrest and rejection of policies implemented by the Executive.

Since the massive national strike of Nov 21, mobilizations, rallies, pot-banging protests and other actions take place in the main cities of the country, in which social organizations and the people in general demand deep reforms in areas such as education, health, environment and security.

We have decided to strengthen the mobilization with a national strike on Dec 4 and the concert ‘Raise your voice, a song for Colombia,’ which we promise will be the largest in the country’s history, on Dec 8, reported Diogenes Orjuela, president of the Central Union of Workers, one of the organizations that make up the National Strike Committee.

In this context, the Committee, congress members of the Peace Bench and the ‘We Defend Peace’ citizen movement advocated for an inclusive, democratic and effective dialogue with the Duque government.

They proposed the creation of a plural and diverse National Dialogue Table, with representatives of the different social sectors represented in the Committee, the aforementioned groups, citizen assemblies and councils, cultural expressions and other sectors that have been mobilized.

At this Table the rules, mechanisms, agenda, schedule and territorial and sectoral expressions of this process must be agreed, remarked the Committee. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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