Bolivia’s Congress approves law for new elections without former Pres Morales

LA PAZ, Nov 25 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Bolivia’s Congress approved a bill that opens the door to new elections without ex-president Evo Morales, as the caretaker government met with protesters to end weeks of unrest.

At least 32 people have been killed in violence that erupted after a disputed election on October 20, with protesters’ blockades causing severe fuel and food shortages in La Paz and other cities.

Both houses voted in favor of the proposal that will be sent to interim President Jeanine Anez, who is expected to sign the bill into law.

Among other things, the bill annuls the results of the Oct 20 vote and allows for new elections to be held.

Crucially, it bars candidates who served in both of the two previous terms from seeking re-election for the same position. That would prevent Morales from contesting the presidency in the new ballot.

Congress also needs to agree on a new seven-member electoral court, after members of the previous panel were removed for allegedly manipulating results.

New elections are seen as key to ending Bolivia’s worst political upheaval in 16 years, which has deepened divisions between indigenous people loyal to Morales and Bolivia’s mainly city-dwelling middle and upper classes.

Morales’ Movement for Socialism (MAS) party holds a majority in both houses of Congress, but is divided over the left-wing leader and his political future.

Morales, who had been seeking a fourth term, claimed he won last month’s election, but opposition groups said the vote count was rigged.

An audit by the Washington-based Organization of American States found irregularities in the results.

The Congress vote comes a day after the caretaker government filed a criminal complaint accusing Morales — Bolivia’s first indigenous president who served for nearly 14 years — of “sedition and terrorism,” after he allegedly called on supporters to maintain blockades.

If Morales — who fled to Mexico after resigning on Nov 10 — were charged and convicted, he would face a maximum penalty of 30 years in jail.

An attempt by MAS senators on Saturday to prohibit “judicial processes” against Morales was rejected outright by Anez, who told reporters that anyone “who has committed crimes, has mocked the law, has committed abuses, will not have any amnesty.”

Two children of Morales — Evaliz Morales Alvarado and Alvaro Morales Peredo — left Bolivia on Saturday and arrived in Argentina after being given the green light by the interim government.

Morales tweeted Saturday that Evaliz had been accused of “illicit enrichment,” which he said was a lie.

Meanwhile the situation began to normalize, with fuel supplies reaching some gas stations. — NNN-AGENCIES


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