Myanmar Military Seizes Large Amount Of Arms, Ammunition In Fight With Insurgents

Myanmar Military Seizes Large Amount Of Arms, Ammunition In Fight With Insurgents

YANGON, Nov 25 (NNN-MNA) – Myanmar’s armed forces seized large amount of arms and ammunition in Namsang township, northern Shan state, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services said.

The seizure was made during an encounter between a military column and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), near Homein village on Friday.

As the TNLA withdrew after a brief fight, the military column conducted a detailed search and clearance in the area later on the day and found a large amount of arms and ammunition stored in three locations.

The weapons confiscated include portable air defence system, hand grenades, TNLA uniforms, assault rifles, machine guns, mortar rounds and propellants, and explosives.

TNLA is a non-signatory to the government’s Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA).– NNN-MNA


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