Iran Criticises U.S.-Led Coalitions For Causing Global Insecurity

Iran Criticises U.S.-Led Coalitions For Causing Global Insecurity

TEHRAN, Nov 10 (NNN-IRNA) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, said that, the so-called U.S.-led coalitions in the world, have brought no achievements but “global insecurity,” official news reported.

Mousavi criticised recent U.S. move to create a naval coalition in the Gulf region, saying that, the United States uses other countries as tools, to legitimise its unilateral policies.

The Iranian official urged regional states to take collective measures, for sustainable security in the region, without the intervention of foreigners.

On Thursday, a U.S.-led naval coalition, officially launched its mission to, what it said, “protect shipping” in the Gulf.

Washington said that, the coalition seeks to ward off potential threats to the world’s oil supply.– NNN-IRNA


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