Chilean president to unveil measures to support 6,800 SMEs affected by protests

SANTIAGO, Nov 7 (NNN-Xinhua) — Chilean President Sebastian Pinera said that he will introduce measures intended to support some 6,800 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by the vandalism in the last three weeks in the South American country.

Pinera said he hoped that these affected SMEs will be paid in cash immediately “so as to help recover their working capital.”

He had made arrangements with the financial sector to render more flexibility and possibilities for the businesses to reschedule credit, as well as to speed up insurance payouts to the SMEs that were looted or destroyed by violent demonstrators.

Moreover, the affected businesses will be given more leeway and better terms in tax payment, as well as in getting subsidies, loans, legal advice, and information on access to benefits.

According to the Chilean president, the affected SMEs are estimated to have generated more than 40,000 direct jobs.

Pinera also said he would submit a bill to the parliament to “incentivize and facilitate donations” to the affected SMEs.

The Chilean president meanwhile condemned the violence in the protests, which included looting and arson at commercial centers as well as damage to public transportation and infrastructure.

In the past weeks, the demonstration started on Oct 14 following a subway fare hike in the capital Santiago have evolved into mass protests across the country, with participants voicing complaints over a wide range of issues including low pension, high cost of basic services, poor quality of public health and education.

A state of emergency was declared and curfew introduced in most of the Chilean provinces. From Oct. 19-27, the Interior Ministry said the protests left 23 people dead. — NNN-XINHUA


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