Syrian Army Reaches Oil Fields In Kurdish-Held Areas

Syrian Army Reaches Oil Fields In Kurdish-Held Areas

DAMASCUS, Nov 6 (NNN-SANA) – The Syrian army, on Tuesday, deployed in new areas, rich in oil fields, in the countryside of Hasakah province in northeastern Syria, the latest progress in the overall deployment of the Syrian army, in Kurdish-held areas near the border with Turkey.

The Syrian army entered the area between Qamishli city and the Rmelan area, that is rich in oil and gas, in Hasakah countryside.

Meanwhile, a military officer said, the army’s entry to the oil fields is the first, since losing the area in 2012.

“We have deployed towards the town of Qahtaniyeh from Qamishli, on the Syrian-Turkish border, and this deployment is so important, due to the presence of significant oil and gas fields,” the officer said.

Another soldier said, the Syrian army will consolidate positions in the newly-entered areas.

“We have moved from Qamishli towards Qahtaniyeh and we will keep on advancing and consolidate our presence here, God willing,” he said.

It’s worth noting that the areas where the army is currently deploying have been controlled by the Kurdish forces since 2012.

The deployment of the Syrian army in Kurdish-held areas is part of a deal, mediated by Russia late last month, to help avert a Turkish campaign, that has been ongoing in Kurdish-held areas in northern Syria, since Oct 9.– NNN-SANA


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