Israeli Soldier Shoots Unarmed Palestinian In The Back, Leaked Footage Shows

Israeli Soldier Shoots Unarmed Palestinian In The Back, Leaked Footage Shows

JERUSALEM, Nov 5 (NNN-ARAB NEWS) – Israel’s Justice Ministry said, it will soon decide whether to file charges against a former policewoman, who allegedly shot an unarmed Palestinian man in the back, following possible new video evidence.

The case draws new attention to frequent but hard-to-prove Palestinians’ claims, that Israeli security forces use excessive or unnecessary force against them.

Israel’s Channel 13 TV station broadcast late Saturday, what it said was a newly obtained video of incident, in which the young Palestinian was stopped outside Jerusalem as he tried to enter Israel.

In the video, the Palestinian, holding a backpack, is seen standing in front of Israeli border police forces and told to leave. “Get out of here!” a woman screams.

He turns around and walks away with his hands in the air, as the forces continue to shout at him to leave. A male voice tells him to lower his hands and “walk normally,” while the female voice yells at him to “run already.”

“Nearly 20 seconds after being sent away, the man is shot in the back from a long distance, screaming in pain as he crumples to the ground. The Israeli security forces are not visible when the shot is fired.

The Palestinian’s identity was not immediately known, but the report quoted police as saying, he was not seriously hurt. Border police often use sponge-tipped bullets as a “nonlethal,” albeit painful, tool.

In a statement, the Justice Ministry said, it completed a criminal investigation, after holding four hearings into the incident. It did not say when it will announce its decision.

Israeli police said, the female policewoman was removed from the force, immediately after it learned of the incident. It said other police involved in the incident were re-assigned.

The TV report quoted the woman’s lawyer as saying, she did not fire the bullet. It also showed what it said were text messages between a different police officer suspected in the case, in which he bragged of shooting the Palestinian to his girlfriend, who calls him a “hunk” and attaches heart emojis.

Palestinians and human rights groups often accuse Israeli security forces of using excessive force against demonstrators and alleged attackers, and doing little to punish wrongdoing. But video evidence is rare, and such cases are hard to prove.

Israel’s leading human rights group, B’Tselem, stopped cooperating with the Israeli military three years ago, after accusing the army of whitewashing such cases.

“This exceptional documentation shows what, sadly, is an unexceptional event: Israeli security forces killing a Palestinian for absolutely no reason,” said B’Tselem spokesman, Amit Gilutz. “Such instances are the direct result of the culture of impunity fostered by Israel, which is crucial to the perpetuation of its military control over the Palestinians.”– NNN-ARAB NEWS


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