Jordan Urges Int’l Community To Shoulder Responsibility For Palestinian Issue

Jordan Urges Int’l Community To Shoulder Responsibility For Palestinian Issue

AMMAN, Nov 4 (NNN-PETRA) – Jordan’s Senate President, Faisal Fayez, called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities, to support the Palestinians, in establishing a sovereign and independent state on their national soil.

He made the remarks on the 102nd anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration, a statement signed on Nov 2, 1917, stating British support for “the establishment in Palestine, of a national home for the Jewish people.”

“The Israeli occupation of Palestine, which is the longest in the world, is no longer accepted,” said Fayez.

Jordanian MP, Yahya al-Saud, also called on all regional and international institutions, to intensify their support to the Palestinians and their fair cause.

He added that the dilemma of Palestinians is repeated every day, due to the continuous Israeli practices, seeking to “Judaise” Jerusalem.– NNN-PETRA


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