PLO Urges Britain To Apologise Over Balfour Declaration

PLO Urges Britain To Apologise Over Balfour Declaration

RAMALLAH, Palestine, Nov 3 (NNN-WAFA) – Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Saeb Erekat, on Saturday, demanded that Britain apologise for the Balfour Declaration, that allowed Israel to be established on Palestine land 102 years ago.

“Marking 102 years of the Balfour Declaration should serve as a reminder for the United Kingdom, of its historical, political, moral and legal responsibility, to take substantive action and play a proactive role in the fulfilment of the national rights of the people of Palestine,” Erekat said, in a press statement.

He urged Britain to apologise for “the resulting injustice of a colonialist statement, that denied the Palestinian people’s political rights, and to take proactive measures against Israel’s settlement, including its products, companies, and funding sources.”

Although all those actions will not “remedy all consequences of the Balfour Declaration,” Erekat said, they will serve as a model for the rest of the international community to work for a just and lasting peace in Palestine, the Middle East, and the world.”

The Balfour Declaration was a statement by the British government on Nov 2, 1917, announcing its support for the Jewish people, to build their state on the lands of the Palestinian people.– NNN-WAFA


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