Jordan Recalls Ambassador To Israel To Protest Detention Of Two Jordanians

Jordan Recalls Ambassador To Israel To Protest Detention Of Two Jordanians

AMMAN, Oct 30 (NNN-PETRA) – Jordan on Tuesday, recalled its ambassador to Israel, to protest the latter’s detention of two Jordanian citizens.

Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi said, the recent arrest of the two Jordanians by Israel is illegal and inhuman, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said.

The top Jordanian diplomat said, his ministry recalled Ghassan Majali, the Jordanian ambassador in Tel Aviv, as Israel did not respond to Jordan’s calls for releasing the two citizens.

“Jordan hold Israel responsible for their life and we will continue to take all legal, diplomatic and political measures, to secure their safe return home,” Safadi said, adding that, the ministry will never spare an effort to secure their release.

Since Israel’s arrest of the two Jordanians, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry has conducted intensified communications with Israel, demanding for their release, while warning Israel against the consequences of continued detention.

Hiba Al Labdi, one of the Jordanian detainees, started a hunger strike a few weeks ago and her health has deteriorated, according to local media reports.– NNN-PETRA


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