Venezuela heads NAM commission against US blockade

CARACAS, Oct 24 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Venezuela will lead a commission of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in rejection of the US blockade against several countries, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Samuel Moncada announced.

‘We have the honor of presiding over that commission permanently from now on. We will devote ourselves to this struggle in the coming years’, Moncada said in statements to Venezuelan Television from Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, where he attends the preparatory ministerial meeting of the XVIII Summit of the NAM.

It is a way of ‘alleviating, rejecting, condemning and overcoming through multilateral relations this robbery of international law’, he said.

Moncada recalled that more than 39 countries in the world, one third of humanity, are suffering from these illegal measures imposed by the White House, which causes a great rejection of the international relations policies of the American nation.

According to his statements, reproduced here by the television station, Moncada explained that this group will be in charge of studying and working in partnership with the Non-Aligned countries that also suffer the consequences of coercive and unilateral measures imposed by Washington.

On the other hand, he thanked the member countries of the Movement that supported Venezuela in the most difficult moments, when the blockade became more intense and sought to legitimize it on the international stage.

Last August in Caracas, during a meeting of the Caracas-based Coordination Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (MNOAL), a document that officially established a working group on sanctions, led by Venezuela, was unanimously adopted.

The statement approved at that time agreed that members of the Non-Aligned will explore plans to sue Washington before the International Criminal Court over the outrageous application of economic sanctions. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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