U.S. Forces Move 1,500 Daesh Women From Syria To Iraq

U.S. Forces Move 1,500 Daesh Women From Syria To Iraq

DAMASCUS, Oct 22 (NNN-SANA) – The U.S. forces in Syria have moved more than 1,500 Daesh women from Syria to Iraq, since Turkey launched an assault in northern Syria on Oct 9.

As the U.S. forces are withdrawing from northern Syria, in tandem with the Turkish assault on the Kurdish militia, the U.S. troops have so far taken with them 1,500 Daesh women from the al-Hol camp, in the northeastern province of Hasakah to Iraq.

Al-Hol camp has emerged as a sanctuary for tens of thousands of people, including Daesh fighters and women, who were fleeing previous Daesh-held areas in eastern Syria.

The camp has been run by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, which had dealt strong blows to the Daesh in eastern Syria.

However, since Turkey launched its long-threatened campaign against the Kurdish forces, which are deemed by Ankara as terrorists and separatists, the United States started abandoning its positions and withdraw to Iraq.– NNN-SANA


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