Kurdish Authorities Say Turkish Assault Displaces 275,000 In Northern Syria

Kurdish Authorities Say Turkish Assault Displaces 275,000 In Northern Syria

DAMASCUS, Oct 16 (NNN-SANA) – The Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, known as Rojava, said, the ongoing Turkish assault in northern Syria, so far displaced over 275,000 people.

A total of 70,000 children are among the displaced, who left areas in the northern provinces of Hasakah and Raqqa, as a result of the Turkish campaign that started on Oct 9, against Kurdish-controlled areas in northern and northeastern Syria, Rojava said in a statement.

Additionally, there is a large number of patients who lack proper medical care, as most of the medical centres in the targeted areas have stopped working.

Many of the displaced are sleeping on the streets or in schools, for the lack of humanitarian services, because most of the humanitarian organisations have stopped their activities in that region.

The statement urged the United Nations and the Arab League, as well as, the European Union, to immediately intervene to provide medical help and logistic support to prevent the exacerbation of the humanitarian crisis.

The campaign came, after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from northern Syria, which was seen as a sign of abandoning the Kurdish forces, that are considered as Washington’s allies, in fighting the Daesh in Syria.

A deal, however, has recently been reached between the Kurdish forces and Damascus, which led to the Syrian army’s entry to Kurdish-held areas, to protect them against the Turkish assault.– NNN-SANA


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