Syrian Army Enters Kurdish-Held City, Air Base To Help Counter Turkish Assault

Syrian Army Enters Kurdish-Held City, Air Base To Help Counter Turkish Assault

DAMASCUS, Oct 15 (NNN-SANA) – The Syrian army, on Monday, entered the city of Tabqa in the northern countryside of Raqqa Province, as part of the Syrian army’s move to enter Kurdish-held areas to counter the ongoing Turkish assault in the region.

The army entered Tabqa and its namesake military air base, as well as, the town of Ayn Issa in the countryside of Raqqa. These areas are all under the control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

A day earlier, a deal was reached between the Syrian government and the Kurdish forces, under the mediation of Russia to counter Turkey’s military progress.

The Syrian army started to deploy troops towards the Kurdish-controlled areas, near the Turkish border, after the deal.– NNN-SANA


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